The training center delivers theoretical and practical training for girls and young women using a
competency-based system. The center offers the following training courses:
Home Economics (Batik Tie & Die, Tailoring and Clothing Technology)
This is a 24 months course given to girls and women. The trainees are divided into different groups depending on their mental capacity, level of skill, understanding, and knowledge.
The lessons offered are as follows:
of sewing tools;
Maintenance of sewing machine and cutting tools;
The use of sewing machine and accessories;
The cutting and sewing of a blouse;
The cutting and sewing of a short and long skirt
The cutting and sewing of trousers.
Maintenance of sewing machine and cutting tools;
The use of sewing machine and accessories;
The cutting and sewing of a blouse;
The cutting and sewing of a short and long skirt
The cutting and sewing of trousers.
The cutting and sewing of long &
short sleeves
This 24 months course (although the
length of time may vary depending on the trainees knowledge acquisition
capacity). During this long-term course, the seamstress-in-training lives with
a relative but has the opportunity for family visits either in her hometown or
at the center itself.
training is technically complicated. Before embarking upon such training, the
trainee must first learn how to read, write, and calculate so that she is
mentally prepared for her new work.
Trainees are also taken through Batik Tie & Die training to offer them practical skills to generate more income for their shops after graduation.
Trainees are also taken through Batik Tie & Die training to offer them practical skills to generate more income for their shops after graduation.
General Education (Adult literacy and Micro Business Management)
Life Skills Training
The center offers additional skills such making tablecloths, bags,
handkerchiefs and different kinds of batik tie & die.
Lessons on domestic violence,
trafficking law, human rights, women’s and children’s rights, and morality are
also part of life skills training.